Finish First with TurboStorage Everytime

In today’s ultra-competitive online service world of ‘AI Assists Everything‘, the speed and delight of your Customer Experience ‘CX’ presented via AI powered Chat Assistants to your users for product, service and support assistance, is directly dependent on the SHARED WRITE speed and scalability of your online system’s FAST Data Storage.
Because the production hosted AI Assistants served by LLM’s ‘Large Language Models’ now WRITE ALL your end user queries and their responses to a Knowledge Base, to vastly improve later query result presentation to BETTER SERVE your Customer’s AI Assisted Experience!
That means there are many more mixed AI and Database data WRITES which need shared Storage WRITE Speed.
FACT: Storage is always the bottleneck in any write data flow because WRITE speeds are always way slower than read speeds!
Those saved AI query and result WRITES to Storage need to be Ultra fast to support many customer queries at the same time, which means your genAI Service, Product or Support Assistant front end serving customers,
needs the FASTEST WRITE Flash Storage to deliver the BEST Customer Experience.
TurboStorage Shared Flash Storage is ALWAYS your BEST choice for highest FAST WRITE performance.
Not only that, TurboStorage has the lowest Fast WRITE Storage cost per AI Gigabytes/Second or Database IOP WRITE making TurboStorage the BEST DC IT Infrastructure choice for mixed AI and Database WRITE speeds to quickly deliver the BEST AI Assisted Customer Experience.
Generally, how fast or slow your End User’s Mixed AI and Database Workload job WRITE speeds are, saving query and response data as well as transactional data to Shared Storage, DETERMINES the outcome of your customer’s positive or negative impression of your AI Assisted online experience selling, servicing, supporting your products and services.
FAST CX is always best and Fast WRITES of AI queries and response together with Fast WRITES of database traffic enables the FASTEST and Best CX for your AI Chat assisted online product, service and support offers versus the competition.
A Customer Experience with a WRITE speed advantage saving mixed AI and Database queries, responses and transactions puts your Customer Experience offered to end users way ahead of your competition, all because you chose to have your Data Center or Colo Hosted IT Infrastructure equipped with TurboStorage!
The happy ‘AI Assisted’ customer you just created with a TurboStorage FAST WRITE speed user experience means,
your customer’s ‘likelihood to refer’ (L2R score) your products, services and support to other potential customers goes way up.
Everyone today in the online product or service industry knows that L2R ‘third party sell’ is the most powerful sell method an online service can get to boost their AI powered online service revenues dramatically, which is why your online service IT Infrastructure needs to be turbocharged with CloudProx TurboStorage Appliances!
To learn the best way to SPEED up your customer’s AI Assisted online experience,
check out our Solutions TurboStorage Appliances for AI , so you and your customers
Always Finish First with TurboStorage!
Extra Bonus! TurboStorage is Economical, Fast and Durable,
so why pay more to finish last,
when you can finish First Every time,
with a much better ‘bottom line’ results,
by employing TurboStorage to best serve your IT Infrastructure’s mixed write AI and Database product, service and support data flows!
Contact us at or call us at +1 416 479-0090
to learn more and
get a quote
to quickly see how Economical TurboStorage can be
to WRITE SPEED power your AI Assisted online business
to your next planned level of success!
We are here to help !
The CloudProx Advantage
Going Faster is Always Better, especially when it comes to getting your data when you need it. TurboStorage’s FAST DATA Manager configures your user’s data access to ensure the Best Customer Experience possible.
TurboStorage patented, efficient Fast Data Management software for Linux Servers ensures your Customer Experiences & Application Workloads
Finish First every time.
Finish First Everytime
Update your existing Linux Storage Systems with TurboStorage to Turbocharge your Customer Experience Now!