TurboCharging the FAST Data Management of FLASH Storage

At CloudProx, we’re redefining how FAST your Data reads and writes can actually be on existing FLASH storage. Our innovative Linux-based software is designed to 2X reduce the write steps used to re-organize data blocks so your drive media lasts 2X longer and your CX and workload reads and writes stay 2X fast, even as the drives fill up with data, TurboStorage finally unlocks the full Performance Efficiency of modern ‘Off the Shelf’ FLASH storage drives. TurboStorage’s break through Fast Data Performance Efficiency innovations means Linux Servers equipped with TurboStorage Software create at a minimum, 2X Faster User Experiences and reduce Application Workload execution by at least 2X, while 2X prolonging FLASH media life and 2X reducing FLASH storage power consumption.
CloudProx’s Vision is to see TurboStorage become the CIO and CTO first choice for Fast Data, Turbocharging the Performance Efficiency of their Linux Flash Storage in Data Centers everywhere.
Our TurboStorage technology is a Customer Experience ‘CX’ Fast Data Asset game-changer. By addressing the inefficiencies in traditional SSD operations, we offer a remarkable 50% increase in usable storage and a 400% boost in CX and workload write speeds. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about CloudProx empowering your organization to effortlessly handle your ever-growing data volumes with TurboStorage Performance Efficiencies that are 2X better than any other FLASH Storage Vendor.